Mas ischedule

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The purpose of this is again to show respect for the Blessed Sacrament, and to show that WE BELIEVE HE IS TRULY PRESENT-Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity! If we do not believe this, we need to be considerate of those who do, and use the quiet time to contemplate this Truth. If we must talk quietly, we should make it brief. This is not the time to socialize with our friends.

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Once we have found a seat, we should sit or kneel quietly to pray or meditate. The purpose of this is to show respect to our King and to acknowledge His Presence in the tabernacle.

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If one is physically incapable of genuflecting, they should instead make a profound bow. Genuflecting is bending the right knee to the floor and rising up again. To genuflect toward the tabernacle before sitting down.To remove chewing gum from your mouth AND dispose of it in a PROPER manner (not on the floor or pews).If you are delayed or late, be thoughtful of others and sit in the back so as not to disturb those already into the prayer of the Mass. It is distracting when people arrive late to Mass. (Please see below for appropriate attire) How we act at Mass should help us pray, listen and worship as well as help our neighbors do the same. We should remember:

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